$10.00 1


$10.00 1


Anxiety Relief Blend


Relax the nervous system and ease the mind with this calming combination of tasty organic herbs.


Chamomile- Mild sedative to calm nerves and reduce anxiety.

Lemon Balm-Improves mood and increases calmness, memory, and alertness in adults under stress.

Passion Flower- Soothes the nervous system, ease anxious minds, and helps with sleeping problems.


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Key Benefits

NO pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or genetic engineering.
Plant-based and cruelty-free.
Cold Pressed
Protects and preserves the nutrients of fruits and vegetables.
No Sugar Added
No added or artificial sweeteners.

How to Prep & Juice

A light diet starting three days before your juice cleanse will ease the hunger cravings during the cleanse itself. Eat only organic fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Substances like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes will only add toxins into your body that the cleanse is trying to remove. Give your body a break by dropping these at least 2-3 days before starting your cleanse. Stay well hydrated.

Drink one bottle of juice every 1-2 hours or sip when you begin to feel hungry. Remember to drink water in between in each bottle of juice to stay hydrated! Symptoms of juice detoxing may include: headaches, nausea, fatigue due to the toxins being flushed during this period without food.

Once your cleanse has ended slowly introduce food groups and maintain a plant-based diet for the week or month following your cleanse.
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